How to run

In development mode

This assumes you have a running ICAT+ instance and already have installed the project (see installation) and configured it (see configuration).

As detailed in the architecture section, the data-portal application is composed of several micro-frontends. This means that you will need to run several applications in parallel to have a fully working data-portal.

For each micro-frontend, you will need to run the following command:

cd apps/<micro-frontend>
pnpm dev

For example, to run the portal application:

cd apps/portal
pnpm dev

You will need to run at least the portal application as it is the entry point, and then all the apps you want to work with.

Alternatively, you can run all the micro-frontends at once using the following command:

# From the root of the project
pnpm dev

To verify your modifications, you can run the linters from the root of the project :

pnpm lint:tsc
pnpm lint:eslint
pnpm lint:prettier

In production mode

To run the application in production mode, we advise you to use docker images. You can build your own images using the provided Dockerfile or have them built by the CI. The configuration of the application is embedded in the images, so you will need to build your own images if you want to change the configuration, this is done through docker build arguments using the variables detailed in the configuration section.